Page Link Creator is a Sales Jet tool for creating unique links for tracking your digital advertising campaigns.

You can create links which track incoming traffic to your web pages.

All web pages, landing pages, social media pages, etc. that you use for your advertising or marketing can be tracked by Sales Jet. This tracking gives you deep seamless analytics of conversions and purchases. With proper tracking you can see which traffic sources work best, which allows you to achieve better results with your advertising and marketing and generate traffic to your websites more efficiently.

The Page Link Creator prompts you to choose a tracking type: standard UTM Tracking Settings or Sales Jet Tracking (which is your own tracking system on the Sales Jet platform).

UTM parameters (from the English Urchin Tracking Module) are five url naming options used by marketers to track the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns. Sales Jet works well with these options.

Sales Jet Tracking traffic source tracking is a special parameter for a page address. Using this tracking method is easier than others becaus the links are more simple and understandable.

The difference between these two services is that UTM Settings are well known and familiar to many marketers, but the links have a long format, and Sales Jet Traicking creates short links that are easier to use and more easily understood by users.

How to create a link

In the Sales Channels section, click on the Websites tab and go to Link Building.

A new window will open: Page Links Maker Tool.

In the tracking link field, paste the link to your webpage. After that, additional fields will open for you to populate:

  1. Tracking type - Select UTM Options or Sales Jet Tracking.
  2. Traffic Source (1st level) - Determines which site sent the visitor and is a required parameter. Examples of Traffic Source woud be: Facebook, Instagram, Google and more.
  3. Type of Traffic (level 2) - Determines which type of link was used to arrive at your site. Examples: cost per click (cpc), email, social network (social), banner and more.
  4. Campaign name (3rd level) - Identifies the specific product or other marketing campaign. Example: stores_test - marketing campaign testing types of online stores, furniture - furniture advertising campaign, referral - working with partners.
  5. Ad Set or another parameter (4th level) - Defines a specific ad group or search query. Example: set-3 - ad group number 3, shoes - shoe ad set.
  6. Content Name (5th level) - What specifically was clicked to bring the user to the site, for example, a banner or text link. Often used for testing and content-targeted ads. Example: logo, image-girl.

The created link and the copy button will appear in the field below.

An example of a link created using UTM Parameters:

An example of a link created through Sales Jet Tracking:


The address of your project

You want to start advertising training courses to 7 year olds and 14 year olds using various social networks. To do this you need to create different links to use on each network. You would create these links in the Sales Jet Page Link Creator:

  • Facebook ads. Create a link to advertise on Facebook for the two ads:

The first level is  the source of the traffic - fb, the second level is the type of traffic - cpc, the third level is the name of the advertising campaign - cours, the fourth level is an ad group - age-7 (in our example it means groups for children over 7 years old), the fifth level is name of the content - page (in our case, we set the page to know that the ad will be shown on the page).

And we get the links:

  • Instagram advertising. We create links for the same posts: the first level - ins, the second level - stories, the third level - cours, the fourth level - age-7 and the fifth level - land (in our case, we set the the link to the landing web page). We get two types of links:

Thus we have created 4 links for two social networks. Now we post ads on each network using these links. Once the user clicks the link in the ad, we will see where the user came from. To analyze the sources go to the section Analytics where you can compare the results of your ad campaigns and see which platform had the most clicks.