The Facebook Form Flow is a sequence of events and actions starting when someone submits a lead form on your Facebook page.

When creating a flow, the event (trigger) that your guest (a visitor to the Facebook site) performs is first determined. The event is a form submission. This event will trigger the flow (sequence of follow-up actions).

List of Facebook Forms

In the Sales Channels section, go to the Facebook tab. Here you can manage your Facebook Lead Forms and Messages. To connect a lead form you first must have created a lead ad on Facebook. For more information on how to create a lead ad (form) read the article "Facebook Forms".

On this page you will see a list of the forms you have created and added from Facebook. The following information will be displayed:

  1. Name - Name of the form created on Facebook. 
  2. Date Created - When form was created.
  3. Leads Count - Number of leads generated from that form.
  4. Last Lead - When the last lead came in from that form.
  5. Flow button - Opens the flow created around that form.
  6. Edit button - Lets you edit the form setup on Sales Jet.
  7. Archive button - Moves forms that are no longer used to the archive.
  8. Delete button - Permanently deletes the form and any flows connected to it.

How to create a Facebook form feed

Click on the Flow button on the right side of the form bar. The Facebook Form Flow window opens. Here you create the flow by setting the triggers and actions that occur when SalesJet gets a lead from Facebook. Click on Create New Event and select the event Incoming Lead from Facebook. Then click the Add Action button to create a response action.

For a complete list of actions and their description, read the article "Types of actions in the funnel".

Sample Facebook Form Flow

Let's say you want to invite people to an event with a live speaker. You create a page on Facebook and add a form. The visitor submits his contact information to register for the event. That triggers your flow, and Sales Jet sends this lead:

  1. An email thanking them for their event registration.
  2. A text message with the address where the event will be held.
  3. A phone call reminder on the day of the event with the details of the event that day.
  4. A follow-up text at the end of the event with a special offer to purchase a product.
  5. A thank you e-mail the next day expressing appreciation for their attendance and requesting a review.