Sales Jet Analytics is a web page analysis tool that helps you track your funnel conversions and evaluate advertising effectiveness.

With the help of analytics, you can track you pages' traffic statistics and compare one site with another to understand whether your site is appealing and effectively communicating information to your visitors.

You are able to view which channel brings the greatest number of people to your site, and which bring the least, so you can focus promotion and marketing to the most effective channels. By making a comparative analysis of your visitor statistics, you can fine tune your efforts to increase the number of visitors to your site.

In the analytics section you can track events that a visitor makes on a page. For example: how many times the same visitor came to the page, how long he spent on the page, which site he was on just before he came to your page, etc.

Website traffic analytics

In the Sales Channels section go to the Websites tab and then click on Analytics. This page has a special menu for tracking traffic sources.

Each page in this section has the same appearance: first there is a graph, then several search boxes and below is a list of values for each individual analytics item. Only the types of information tracked change.

At the top you see a graph showing visits. You can change the format of the graph: columns, lines, filled lines. By clicking on the graph icon - you switch the graphic display from one style to another.

Below are the search fields:

  • Date range - Set the period for which you want to view data.
  • Period Grouping - Select a value: by day, by week, or by month.
  • Funnel - Select a funnel from the list.
  • Conversion - Here you can choose which type of conversion you want to track:
    Form Submission, Purchase, Added to cart, Visit Checkout Page.
  • Grouping - Select one or more values by which to filter the data. You can also change the order of the selections in the search box to change how the data in the list is filtered (raw data is filtered by the first type selected, then by the second, etc).

Grouping values you can use are:

  • Source Type - Lists the method by which the visitor arrived at your site.
    • External visit (the visitor clicked on a link from outside of Sales Jet)
    • Internal visit (the visitor moved from one page to another within Sales Jet)
    • Search engine (the visitor found your website through search on a search engine - e.g Google)
    • Social network (the visitor came to the website using a link on social media)
  • Source (website) - Only the websites from which the visitor arrived to your site are shown.
  • Source (page) - Only pages which the visitor was on prior to arriving at your site are shown.
  • Funnel - Funnel name that the visitor came from.
  • Page - The page the visitor arrived on (for example, the registration form).
  • Mobile / Desktop - Shows the number of mobile and desktop devices used to arrive at your page.
  • Country - List the country the visitor is in.
  • City - Lists the cities your visitors are located in. Geography groupings are helpful if you wish to focus sales or promotion to a specific area where you get a lot of sales or interest in your product.
  • Sales Jet Source Tracking - Here you can see your web visits organized by the keywords added to your link manually or using the Links Maker tool)
  • UTM Source - (Urchin Tracking Module: A simple code that can be attached to any URL to generate digital tracking) Displays the address of the site from which the visitor came.
  • UTM Medium - Displays the type of link (for example, cost per click or social network).
  • UTM Campaign - Shows specific product advertising.
  • UTM Term - Lists the ad group
  • UTM Content - Displays the name of the content.

Based on the selections you make, a list will populate with your data. If you did not select any conditions, the system will default to displaying data for the last month.

The list looks the same in all menu items; only the first column values change based on the grouping selections you make. The remaining 7 column types remain unchanged. They are:

  1. Visits - Number of visits per page.
  2. Page views - The number of page views (including repeated views).
  3. Visitors - The total number of unique visitors on the page (the number of individual people, not the number of views).
  4. New visitors - The number of and percentage of new visitors compared to total visitors for the specified period.
  5. Bounced - (This means the page was closed or left by the visitor in 15 seconds or less with no action performed by the visitor on the page) Shows the total number and percentage of the total number of visitors.
  6. Average load time - Average time for the page to load.
  7. Average time - Average time visitors spent on your site.

Each menu item across the top of the page has its own set of Grouping settings which auto-populate when you click on the item. Here are the groupings automatically selected for each menu:


Grouping by date - Showing visits for the last month.

Traffic sources

Grouping by: Source Type and Source (website).

In the first column you will see the source value types: 

External visit - The site from which the visitor came to your page. Expanding this selection lists all traffic source sites.
Internal visit - Visitor moved from one Sales Jet page to another.
Search engine - Visitor typed a search into a search engine and clicked on a link to your page.
Social networks - Visitors arriving from a link on social network.
Straight / no data - Visitor arrived by entering the exact address of the site in their browser, or there is a lack of data on how the visitor arrived to your page.


Grouping by: Country, City.

Country - Shows only those countries from which there were visits to your pages. The sublevel shows the city.
Cities - Only those cities from which there were visits to your pages are shown.


Grouping by: Mobile device or desktop.

Mobile - Visitors arriving to your source using a mobile phone and tablet.
Desktop - Vistors using a desktop or laptop computer.

Sales Jet Source Tracking

Grouping by: Specially created links on the Sales Jet platform.

You can track the sources of visits by adding a special line to the end of the page address. Use the link building tool to create these kind of tracking links. A detailed description of what you can track using Sales Jet Source Tracking can be found in the article "Page Link Creator".

UTM Pptions

Grouping by: UTM tag

Utm Source - Traffic source - 1st level
Utm Medium - Traffic type - 2nd level
Utm Campaign - Company name - 3rd level
Utm Term - Ad Group or another parameter - 4th level
Utm Content - Name of your content - 5th level

A detailed description of the values of these tags can be found in the article "Page Link Creator".