An email template is a pre-made email you can use to quickly send to a contact.

You can create email templates and use them in various broadcast mailings. Templates allow you to quickly create a mailing list by using pre-prepared text which is easy to edit and customize for each mailng.

You can create a template when you send an email, in a funnel or page or Training Jet flow, or in the mailing list.

Create an e-mail template through a broadcast 

When creating a new broadcast (Sales Channel Emailing section > Broadcasting > Create Broadcast), click the Create button next to Email Template in the Planning and creating broadcast screen.

An additional window Create a new e-mail will open. Fill in the fields:

  • SMTP Server – Choose from the list provided or create a new connection. For more information on how to create a SMTP connection, see the article "E-mail Settings".
  • Subject – Create a subject line. This will be seen by the contact when they receive the email. You can create variables to personalize your email templates. You can use this feature In both the email subject line and in the body of the email. To add custom variables place your curser to the right of where you wish to enter a variable, click the variable button in the email template creator menu – [P], and select from the pop-up which variable you would like entered. A variable data placeholder will show up in your email which will automatically be replaced by the contact's information for the data type you selected. For example, you create an email template and set the variable [P] as "Customer Name". When that email is sent, the variable text is replaced with the name of the contact. For a complete list of values that can be used see the "Select a variable to replace" box in this article below .
  • Email Body – In the empty field write the full text of your message to the contact. You can insert images, format your text (change size, color, align, etc.), add links and insert custom variables [P] (for example: order number, order status, contact attributes, product download links, etc.). If you wish, can maximize the window to make your editing easier.
  • Send Test Email To – Enter an email address you have access to and receive a test email to see how the template you created will look to your email recipients.
  • Save – Click the Save Template button to save your template for future use.


Create an e-mail template in the funnel flow

When you create the action "Send e-mail" in a funnel or page flow, you will see the Settings Email Send Action window. Fill in the fields:

  • SMTP Server – Choose from the list provided or create a new connection. For more information on how to create a SMTP connection, see the article "E-mail Settings".
  • Subject – Create a subject line. This will be seen by the contact when they receive the email. 
  • Email Body – In the empty field write the full text of your message to the contact. You can insert images, format your text (change size, color, align, etc.), add links and insert custom variables [P] (for example: order number, order status, contact attributes, product download links, etc.). If you wish, can maximize the window to make your editing easier.
  • Send Test Email To – Enter an email address you have access to and receive a test email to see how the template you created will look to your email recipients.
  • Save – Click the Save Template button to save your template for future use.


Template Management

After you have created your email templates they are displayed as a list in the E-mail Templates tab.

Here you can see detailed information on each email and edit your templates.

  1. Subject - The subject line. If you click on the link, a window will open where you can edit the template.
  2. Connected to actions - What funnel this email is connected to.By clicking on the look button you will be taken to the flow where you can make any edits needed.
  3. Opens - The number of total opens as well as the number of unique individual opens
  4. Open Rate - How many emails were opened out of the total number of sent email.
  5. Clicks - The number of total link clicks and the number of unique users who clicked on a link
  6. Click Rate - How many clicks from this email out of the total number of clicks
  7. Last Send Date - When the email was last sent.

Variable Values [P]

All variables must be surrounded by # to be replaced in the text. For example #Contact | First Name # . Variables will be replaced only if previous action in the flow has this data. Possible replacement options for a variable are:

Contact details:

#Contact | ID # - ID number of the contact.

#Contact | First Name # - the first name of the contact.

#Contact | Last Name # - the last name of the contact.

#Contact | E-mail # - email address.

#Contact | Phone # - contacts's phone number.

Related Order:

#Order | ID # - ID number (identifier) of the sales order.

#Order | Number # - the sales order number.

#Order | Total Amount # - final order.

#Order | Savings Amount # - order amount.

#Order | Funnel ID # - funnel ID number (identifier).

#Order | Content # - order content.

#Order | Status # - order status.

#Order | Shipping First Name # - shipping details - first name.

#Order | Shipping Last Name # - shipping details - nast name.

#Order | Shipping Email # - shipping data - customer email.

#Order | Shipping Country # - shipping details - country.

#Order | Shipping City # - shipping details - city.

#Order | Shipping State # - shipping details - region.

#Order | Shipping Phone # - delivery information - phone number.

#Order | Shipping Address # - delivery information - address.

Training Jet Course:

#TJ Course | ID # - ID number (identifier) of the course.

#TJ Course | Name # - the name of the course in the Training Jet system.

Training Jet course step:

#TJ Course Step | ID # - ID number (identifier) of the course step.

#TJ Course Step | Name # - the name of the Training Jet course step.

#TJ Course Step | Course ID # - course ID number (identifier) for the course step.

Related product:

#Product | ID # - ID number (identifier) of the product.

#Product | Name # is the name of the product.

Custom Lead / Contact Attributes (Attributes you created will be shown here):

#Contact | Client age # - the attribute we created is the age of the client.

Other variables (choose from the list the value for these parameters):

Product price - select from the list of products.

Link to the product file - select the link from the list.