The Mailing List or broadcast lists is a targeted list for your routine mailings. This is your mailing list in Sales Jet.

Under Sales Channels, click Emailing and then Broadcast Lists. Here you can create and manage mailing lists, and define the conditions for sending automatic emails. This allows you to group or filter your contacts and send different emails to different types of leads, customers, etc.

For example, you can create a newsletter send it just to your customers living in New York. Or you can filter your customers for those who bought one of your products and offer them an additional product to encourage repeat purchases. There are as many options as you can dream up. You can read about mailing list filtering and search conditions in more detail in the article “Advanced Filters”.

How to create a mailing list

Click the "Create Broadcast List" and fill out the form:

  1. Name - What you want to call the mailing. For example: "Online webinar on remote work".
  2. Description - Add a description for yourself. For example: "Tomorrow at 3:00 we will hold an online webinar to discuss how to work remotely".
  3. List type - Dynamic (Contacts automatically selected from the Contacts and Leads list based on conditions set) or Manual (You manually select contacts).
  4. Filtering and Search Conditions (only for dynamic list type) - Click the "Add New Condition Group" button and create a filter group to search for contacts within your project. One filter group is one set of conditions. You can combine several conditions for a single mailing list. Read about search conditions in more detail in the article “Advanced Filters”.
  5. See results button - This will display the total number of contacts to apply to your mailing list after applying the conditions. Only unique contacts are displayed from all your funnels; all duplicates are automatically deleted. If you do not apply conditions, the email will be sent to all contacts in this list.

After you enter the conditions, the list will be filtered and you will be shown the results.

Click Save. You have created your first mailing list! This mailing list will be applied automatically to all users who in the future will meet the conditions you have chosen.

Using the mailing list, you can create any contact filters you need to send targeted emails highly applicable to those people. Using Filtering and Search Conditions you create any combination of conditions, simple or complex, to fit your needs. You can both add and exclude specific contacts to the mailing list according to certain parameters you set.

For Example: you can exclude customers whose order amount was less than $100. To do this, select the condition "Paid amount in the amount of". Then in the condition box, select "More than" and in the empty field enter the amount "100". Click the View Results button to see a list of contacts that fit the conditions you specified.

For more information about Filtering and Search Terms see the article "Advanced Filters".

Manage Broadcast (Mailing) Lists

In the Broadcast List tab, you will see all the lists you've created. This is also where you will edit and manage your lists:

  1. Name - The name of the mailing. Duplicates the Edit button on the right. Opens the Edit Broadcast List window where you can change the list parameters and conditions.
  2. Description - Displays the mailing list description.
  3. Date Created - When the list was created.
  4. Type - Distribution method: Dynamic or Manual.
  5. Amount of e-mails - Number of emails in the list.
  6. Edit Button - Click this to make changes.
  7. Archive Button - Sends the list to the Archive (can be accessed later).
  8. Delete Button - Completely removes the newsletter (permanently deleted).

You can use the Search box to search for a specific mailing list by its name. In the Archive tabs you can display all or some of the Archived lists: Hide (removes all archived mailings from the list), Show (shows lists that are in the archive), Everything (shows all lists that have been created, both in and out of the archive).