To add products and services for sale on Sales Jet, click "Add Product" in the "What to sell" section -"Products" tab.

The "Product Creation" window will open. Fill in these fields:

  1. Product name - Write the full name of the product. This name will be seen by your visitors.
  2. Description - Add a detailed description of your product.
  3. Price - Set the cost of the product. 
  4. Select the type of product - Physical product (any product, for example: books, phones, clothes, bags, etc.); Service (any service that you are ready to provide after purchasing on the site, for example: manicure, cleaning, car repair, construction of a country house, etc.); Downloadable (digital) product (this is a file that can be downloaded from the site and saved to a computer, for example: e-book, product catalog, song, etc.).
  5. "Free Download" - This option is available for your downloadable products. You can attach one or several files. Enter a name, description and attach the file.
  6. File Download - You can upload a product image here.

When you are done, click "Save" or "Save and Exit". 

Training Jet Subscription

Training Jet Subscription is another type of product. This grants access to your Training Jet training courses. You can only add it in the Training Jet tab - Subscriptions. Go to the "Subscriptions" tab and click on "Create a new subscription".

Fill in these fields:

  1. Title - Write the name of the subscription.
  2. Description - Add a subscription description. This information will be available to Training Jet users.
  3. Price - Specify the cost of the subscription. 
  4. Duration in days - Specify the duration in days you are granting access to the subscription.
  5. Most Popular checkbox - Select this if you want to mark the subscription as a “Most Popular” item.
  6.  Hide Subscription checkbox - If you want to hide the subscription from users who do not have a subscription select this option. Note: If you hide a subscription, users on the course page will not be able to see this item and you will need to sell it through funnels or add a user manually.
  7. Subscription type - The general subscription includes all courses on the Training Jet or Course subscriptions (specific courses and materials). Choosing the type of subscription, you determine the option of access to the courses: access to all courses at once or separately.

When done click the "Save and Close" button. You should now see your subscription in the list of products in the "Products" tab. For more information about subscriptions, see the article "Training Jet Subscription".