A Sales Jet funnel is a sequence of steps that a user is taken through to move them from where they are in the sales process to an end goal... such as making a purchase.

A Sales Jet funnel can be complex with many pages, a series of emails, SMS messages, phone calls, and special offers. Or it can be simple and consist of one page and a set of emails. You determine the level of difficulty needed for the funnel to meet your specific needs.

All funnels should be designed to lead a prospect or user to actually purchase your product (or whatever your end goal is).

How to create a funnel

Go to the section Sales Channels > Websites > Funnels.

Click "Create a new funnel". A new window will open with a form you will complete to create your new sales funnel:

  1. Funnel name - This will be visible to customers at the time of payment, so the name should correspond to the subject of your site (for example: Webinar 2020, Online Store, Payment Page, etc.)
  2. Funnel Description - This will also be visible in some places, so again create a description that matches your page/website. You may also enter a description of the product.
  3. Sales Jet Domain - This is the web address of your site.
  4. Funnel Language - Select the funnel language from the list provided.
  5. Logo image - Here you may attach a logo (if you choose) which will be visible throughout the site. 
  6. Favicon - This is your webpage/site logo. If you would like to add a website logo you will upload it here. Your logo will appear at the beginning of the site address bar and search. 
  7. Additional settings - If you have additional code you wish to add to your funnel you may paste it here (for example: Google analytics tracking code) or you may leave this empty. If you do not know what these settings mean, just ignore them.

When complete, click the "Create Funnel" button.

List of your funnels

In the "Funnels" tab you will now you will see a list of your created funnels. The maximum number of funnels you may create depends on your plan: at the FREE plan the maximum funnels is 3, FIRST CLASS plan - 10 funnels, PRIVATE JET - 50 funnels.

In your list you will see the following information for each funnel:

  • The name and description of the funnel along with your function buttons: "Go to funnel" - for viewing pages, stream and other information, "Archive" - removes the funnel from the list and places it in the archive, "Delete" - completely removes the funnel.
  • Funnel statistics: This shows data from the funnel such as the number of unique visitors, the number of page views, the number of leads, conversion %, sales, and others. 

How to manage a funnel

Click the "Go to Funnel" button. A new window will open. Along the top there is an additional menu where you can manage the funnels:

  • Pages - In this section, you can view a complete list of your web pages, their URL links, buttons to design/view/publish your page, and a menu to view and edit the flow and settings, including SEO settings.
  • Funnel Flow - You can create a series of actions to be done for all the pages in this funnel. To learn how to create it, see the article "Funnel Flow". To start, create an event and attach an action to each event. Read more in the articles "Types of events in the stream" and "Activities in the stream".
  • General settings - Here you will find the name of the funnel, description, the funnel page domain address, language, domain attachments (only at paid plans), uploaded images, favicon and any embedded codes on the page.
  • Documents - You can add documents to the funnel such as a "Privacy policy", "User agreement," etc. For more information on how to create a document and attach it to the website read the article "Documents".


At the top of the page, you will see the "Visits" tab - here you will find a table listing all the visitors to your funnel web pages. Below is an explanation of the data available in the table:

  1. Date - When the page was visited.
  2. Info - Details about the browser and device from which the visitor came.
  3. Page - The name of the web page visited.
  4. Address - This is the webpage address.
  5. Duration - How much time the visitor spent on this page.
  6. Source - Where the visitor was before he came to this page.
  7. Guest - Here you will see information about the visitor and the actions he took on the page.
  8. Lead - Links to "Lead profile" where you will see the contact information (name, phone number, email address, etc.) as well as the products purchased and event log of his actions. Information in this column is available only if the visitor has filled out a form and provided the data. If the visitor did not, then this field will be display "no".

You may use search strings to locate specific funnels:

  • Funnel - Select a funnel to view visit information.
  • Date visited - Set a time span.

Read more about "Visits".